Krystal is passionate about empowering people to fulfil their highest potential and has always been curious about people’s motivations and why they do what they do.
Since 2008, she has been a serial entrepreneur running her coaching, speaking and now publishing business.
Bonnie and and had a great chat with Gary Smith from Southern California.
Gary grew up on the East coast and attended a performing arts school and studied Theater in college.
He has combined his Arts background with a keen interest in Financial Literacy to help people and organizations better navigate financial and business challenges.
Sare McDermott helps adapt books to screenplays to get onto screens big and small. Sara is a working screenwriter who teaches screenwriting at two universities.
Sara has an 8-week online course called Book to Script. Learn More.
Sara McDermott also works with writer clients one-on-one.
His perspective helps with many of the opportunities featured on the show, which we see as a smorgasbord of opportunities for people to earn money at home, on the road, and anywhere your love to live.
Greg talked with Steve Brossman, The Sales Innovator.
Steve is the author of many books, including Self Selling Secrets, How to get High-Value Clients to BUY?
Steve’s journey from an athlete with Olympic aspirations to award-winning fitness coach to business sales leader was worthy of a great Aussie Walkabout.
At one point he invented personal portable ashtrays with interesting shapes.
Steve is an international speaker and sales mentor.
Steve is known and an Authority Catalyst with his new book, The Authority Client Attraction System.
Visit to learn more about Steve at
We interviewed Cheryl Brewer of The Intuitive Life.
Cheryl is a transformational speaker, Intuitive Consultant, Life Coach, and Ordained Minister.
Turns out that Bonnie and Cheryl had met at a screen of Power of The Heart at Unity of Vancouver when Bonnie was the administrator there.
Real power is the power to be a Conscious Changemaker in your own life. It’s the courage to Take Your Stand, to embrace the discomfort of uncertainty and deliberately engage your intuition. Prosperity emerges; not just financially, but on all levels; prosperity of peace, thought, emotions, healed relationships and joyful trust of The Intuitive Life.