Diane Tipper has created a fabulous accessory for compacting and transporting your favourite pillow and attractive and waterproof SleepKeeper.

What's Your Story?
Diane Tipper has created a fabulous accessory for compacting and transporting your favourite pillow and attractive and waterproof SleepKeeper.
Bonnie and I talked with Don & Sheyenne Kraemer about some of the myths and real opportunities available in Relationship or Multi-Level Marketing.
Learn more at https://www.trianglesolutionsalliance.com
Bonnie and I talked to Joseph Grimaldi of Caffi about a fantastic coffee solution.
We love making coffee in a Bodem (or French Press), but don’t like cleaning the bodem or having coffee grounds in the coffee.
Joseph has the prefect solution.
Caffi is an environmentally friendly filter made in Denmark that compresses into a compostable puck when making the coffee.
Visit Caffi.ca to order for yourself.
By the way, we are looking to place Caffi any place where coffee is sold.
We are also looking to coffee and bodem producers who may want to co-sell the Caffi filters with their products.
Would it be okay if everyone enjoyed a fabulous cup of coffee?
Greg Dixon
Bonnie McDonald Dixon
Joseph Grimaldi
Bonnie and Greg stopped off to visite CJ at CJ’S Functional Fitness Los Angeles.
CJ tells us about his funny path to becoming a personal training celebrity.
He also created a fun exercise routine for people in an RV. The key message is to use what you have and keep moving.
The Capilano River RV Park is located at the mouth of the Capilano River at the North end of the Lions Gate Bridge.
The location is one of the best urban RV parks in North America.
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