Bonnie and I started our mobile lifestyle in 2017. We were married on September 30, 2017, at Unity of Vancouver.
Prior to getting married, Bonnie and I started a project called Design Your Delicious Life, where we did video interviews with individuals and couples who had Delicious Lives. That was an early blueprint of what we are doing now.
After the wedding we boarded our ‘Land Yacht’ RV to drive to the American Writers and Artists Inc (AWAI) Copywriting Bootcamp and Job Fair in Florida.
My interest in AWAI and also Great Escape Publishing was to earn a living while travelling with copywriting, photography, and video.
On the way, we conducted video interviews in Colorado and had interviews in the Miami area for a video project.
We had some great adventures on the road and visited friends and relatives across North America. I have started to tell the story with an article called 18,000 Miles Between the Aligator Line and the Snow Line.
This site may be a good place to continue telling those stories.
Tell Your Story Productions
Our friend Jerry Smith in Vancouver Washington has a long-time interest in Biography. I too have been doing photo and video projects related to my family. And Bonnie is the keeper of the photos and memories in her family.

Jerry proposed that we start a company called Tell Your Story Productions to tell personal, family, and business stories in what we call Story Productions. We get out to speak to groups about preserving and sharing legacies and have created story productions in British Columbia, Alberta, and California.
Natural Health Movement Project
Bonnie and Jerry both have a long history of working in the Natural Health industry. Jerry proposed a project where we would travel North America interviewing the founders, pioneers, and leaders in the Natural Health Movement.

We are now in California conducting interviews with people like Cheryl Hughes of The Whole Wheatery, Patricia Bragg famous for launching the Natural Health Movement into celebrity status with Paul Bragg, and many more.
We have conducted more than ten interviews so far and have many more in the works. The end game is to create one or more video documentaries for broadcast on networks like PBS. There could also be books.
We are publishing some of the interviews along the way here and at stories.naturalhealthmovement.org.
The Natural Health Movement Project needs sponsors to keep the Story Van rolling.
Happy Healthy Camper Life

We joined forces with Yoga and Meditation Master Michele Labelle to create a series of programs, articles, and resources to help people who travel a lot or live in small spaces be Happy Healthy Campers. See www.happyhealthycamper.life.
Food Connection Network
I worked with various organizations to support and video food-related projects such as urban farming, food rescue, organic food, and food sustainability.
The site also celebrates healthy and delicious eating. We are looking for interesting food projects to profile and promote.
Learn more at foodconnection.network.